
Informatics In-Depth Focus 2020

Posted: 24 March 2020 | | No comments yet

The articles in this in-depth focus explain how informatics aids in the development of genomic research and outline the next steps for AI to progress in pharma.

Informatics In-Depth Focus

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    Included in this in-depth focus: 

    • Petabytes of data – how informatics is transforming precision medicine
      Advances in informatics have afforded researchers the ability to extrapolate petabytes of human genomics data and translate it into biologically relevant information. However, further translating this information into knowledge can prove challenging. Slavé Petrovski, Vice President and Head of Genome Analytics and Bioinformatics for AstraZeneca’s Centre for Genomics Research, spoke to Nikki Withers about how informatics has positively impacted precision medicine and genomics research.
    • How labs become AI ready with advanced informatics infrastructures
      To reach the full potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in the pharma industry, it is essential that companies harmonise their data to remove the need for unnecessary human intervention. This article outlines how companies are working towards digital maturation and the obstacles they need to overcome to ensure the value of informatics is met.


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