
Drug Target Review Assays ebook 2023

Download your FREE ebook on assays, featuring articles from experts who write about developments in screening and the importance of performing comprehensive multiplex spatial and temporal profiling of drugs in pre-clinical research.

This ebook highlights the importance of using statistical measures and comprehensive profiling to assess assay performance, identify active compounds, and de-risk drugs in drug discovery and pre-clinical research. 

The first article by Matthew Lloyd from the University of Bath reveals the importance of the Z-factor and Z’-factor in high-throughput screening (HTS), and how they can be used to determine assay performance, perform quality control on the screen, and identify active compounds.

The article also acknowledges the limitations of these statistical measures, including their susceptibility to anomalies introduced by library compounds and the use of plate controls, and the potential impact of statistical issues on assessing assay performance and establishing appropriate threshold values.

In a related article, Sheraz Gul from the Fraunhofer Institute emphasises the importance of performing comprehensive multiplex spatial and temporal profiling of drugs in pre-clinical research to decrease the risk of potentially undesirable events in later clinical studies. He notes that the profile of any given drug across all proteins or even representatives of specific protein target classes is often lacking.

While these approaches have their limitations, they provide valuable insights into the behaviour of compounds and their interactions with targets and other proteins, and can inform decisions about which compounds to advance to clinical trials.

In this ebook: 

  • Assay performance and the Z’-factor in HTS 
    Dr Matthew Lloyd, University of Bath
  • De-risking drugs in multiplex assays before progressing to clinical trials
    Dr Sheraz Gul, Head of Assay Development and Drug Repurposing at the Fraunhofer Institute