
Advancing directed protein evolution technology

Drug Target Review’s Ria Kakkad spoke with Victoria Goldenshtein at PEGs Europe, about her lab’s novel in vitro library display platform for directed protein evolution called GRIP display – gluing RNA to its proteins.

In nature, proteins take millions and trillions of years to evolve,1 but scientists do not have this time when designing drugs for life-threatening diseases. Therefore, researchers use directed protein evolution technologies, to evolve and design proteins with specific functions under well-defined conditions and a practical time frame.

At PEGS Europe, Drug Target Review’s Ria Kakkad spoke to Victoria Goldenshtein, a PhD candidate in Biomedical Engineering at Duke University, US, who presented an engaging poster on her lab’s novel in vitro library display platform for directed protein evolution termed GRIP Display, which entails Gluing RNA to Its Proteins.