
Improving drug discovery with advanced targeted proteomic monitoring workflows

In this article, Professor Forest White, Department of Biological Engineering at MIT, and Dr Lauren Stopfer, Scientist at BioNTech, present a novel assay approach for the rapid, reproducible and accurate identification of potential therapeutic targets using mass spectrometry.

Mass spec for preoteomic targets

Proteins are key therapeutic targets due to the biochemical functions they perform within our bodies. As we continue the move to an era of precision medicine, greater understanding of proteins and protein networks and their relationships with diseases like cancer enables scientists to better identify targets for developing new therapeutics.

To fully understand these networks, analytical methods with high sensitivity, reproducibility and selectivity are needed. One of the most powerful techniques commonly used to support therapeutic research and development is mass spectrometry (MS), which is notably being applied to the characterisation of tyrosine phosphorylation (pTyr).

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