Cancer and the DNA fork reversal mechanism
Researchers find that polymerase epsilon exonuclease is an essential target for cancer diagnosis and treatments that rely on DNA damage.
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Researchers find that polymerase epsilon exonuclease is an essential target for cancer diagnosis and treatments that rely on DNA damage.
Mammary organoid cultures show the effects of BRCA2 mutations on breast tissue cells, increasing the likelihood of early, targeted treatment.
Scientists have discovered the motor protein dynein commands movement of cancer cells in soft tissue models, offering new clinical targets.
Researchers have discovered a molecule that binds to a cancer cell protein, stopping growth of breast and ovarian tumours.
3D tumour models enable scientists to offer better treatments and improve survival outcomes for complex conditions like breast cancer.
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have been gaining significant attention lately, primarily in discussions about their responsible utilisation. However, these technologies possess a wide spectrum of practical applications, ranging from predicting natural disasters to addressing social disparities. Now, AI is making its mark in the field of cancer…
MIT has unveiled a wearable ultrasound device. Ingeniously designed to seamlessly integrate into a bra, this innovative technology opens new avenues for early breast cancer diagnosis.
Important step achieved by US researchers as stable and potent immune therapy delivery system eradicates tumours in mouse models of melanoma, colon, and breast cancer, while preventing the formation of future tumour.
US study uncovers the best way to treat recurrent or progressive brain metastases using an amino acid PET technique.
US researchers have uncovered a potential target for treating breast cancer that is resistant to endocrine therapies because of a specific gene mutation.
A recent study from researchers at the University of California examines the BRCA2 gene, which plays a crucial role in repairing damaged DNA, and possible links with increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer.
Oestrogen receptors play a crucial role in breast cancer. By making them therapeutic targets, oestrogen can be regulated with the aim to prevent breast cancer.
The scientists argue the technique enables the creation of complex, data-rich “maps” of organs, including diseased organs and tumours, which could be widely useful in pre-clinical research.
Researchers have identified a protein that, when present in high amounts in breast cancer tumours, is an indicator of whether DNA-damaging therapies will work or not.
Using DNA barcoding to track cancer cells through time, scientists have shown that the cells have diverse abilities to escape the immune system.