Peripheral T-cell lymphoma linked to textured breast implants
Researchers have analysed a rare peripheral T-cell lymphoma that may develop as a result of breast implants...
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Researchers have analysed a rare peripheral T-cell lymphoma that may develop as a result of breast implants...
Researchers have developed a synthetic compound that targets the enzyme FerT, thereby killing metastatic cells...
Scientists have discovered a compound that causes cancer cells to self-destruct while sparing healthy cells...
A new technique for modelling leukaemia may aid drug discovery...
Imaging agents developed to better monitor the growth of tumours and generate new therapies...
Researchers find novel combination disrupts multiple factors in aggressive breast cancer...
Paediatric researchers have identified common gene variants that raise the risk of an aggressive forms of childhood cancer...
NPL's new approach informed by government priorities, consultancy with industry and the NHS, and a century of expertise, will see it focus on some of the world’s biggest health challenges, from supporting the diagnosis and treatment of cancer and dementia, to reducing attrition rates in drug development, to creating new…
Depletion of B cells in the tumour micro-environment shows anti-tumour activity in patients with advanced metastatic melanoma...
RNA cells can be genetically programmed like a computer to fight cancer, influenza, and other serious conditions...
Researchers have developed a method, based on CRISPR-Cas9 technology in organoids, to study the genetic cause of hereditary forms of cancer...
Immunotherapy drug candidate could be potent weapon against neuroblastoma and other paediatric malignancies...
Researchers reveal the capacity of epithelial-derived tumours to grow in the absence of a microenvironment...
A network of hospitals have systematically collected biopsies from metastatic cancer patients in order to create a global database...
New research shows that the Zika virus kills brain cancer stem cells...