B-cells promote melanoma progression and resistance to therapy
Depletion of B cells in the tumour micro-environment shows anti-tumour activity in patients with advanced metastatic melanoma...
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Depletion of B cells in the tumour micro-environment shows anti-tumour activity in patients with advanced metastatic melanoma...
RNA cells can be genetically programmed like a computer to fight cancer, influenza, and other serious conditions...
Researchers have developed a method, based on CRISPR-Cas9 technology in organoids, to study the genetic cause of hereditary forms of cancer...
Immunotherapy drug candidate could be potent weapon against neuroblastoma and other paediatric malignancies...
Researchers reveal the capacity of epithelial-derived tumours to grow in the absence of a microenvironment...
A network of hospitals have systematically collected biopsies from metastatic cancer patients in order to create a global database...
New research shows that the Zika virus kills brain cancer stem cells...
A new cell culture system that provides a tool for preclinical cancer drug development and screening has been developed...
A new biomedical tool has been developed using nanoparticles that deliver transient gene changes to targeted cells...
Researchers have developed a proof-of-concept nano-system that dramatically improves the visualisation of tumours...
Researchers have deduced how an alternative form of RNA encourages tumours to spread.
Researchers have determined that a specific region of the duodenal-jejunal flexure, shows a high frequency of gastrointestinal stromal tumours with mutations of the NF1 gene...
New research, has studied the immortalisation process using genome-engineered cells...
Scientists have synthesised a complex sugar structure that specifically binds to the tumour protein Galectin-1...
A research team have studied how alterations in a tumour depend on each other and how these dependencies determine cancer evolution...