New tool found to boost immunity in fight against cancer and infections
Researchers have developed a new tools to increase immune response against cancer and infections...
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Researchers have developed a new tools to increase immune response against cancer and infections...
The study demonstrates that tissue-resident and circulating memory T cells cooperate in anti-tumour immunity...
A team of researchers has patented a mobile device that can monitor cancer quickly, cheaply, effectively and noninvasively...
Cancer research at the University of Warwick has received a boost thanks to the former Lord Mayor of Coventry Cllr Lindsley Harvard.
A study led has found that the model for the spread of carcinoma - from the primary tumour, to nearby lymph nodes, to other organs - may not apply in all cases.
The DFG has agreed to fund the Mainz-based Collaborative Research Center involved in the development of nanomaterials for cancer immunotherapy...
A team of researchers has discovered the role of the protein ZBTB48 in regulating both telomeres and mitochondria, key players involved in cellular ageing.
A method to more accurately test anti-cancer drugs has now been developed at the Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg.
For nearly two decades researchers have sought a way to target an oestrogen receptor in the hope they could improve breast cancer survival, but an article contends that the effort may never pan out.
A new scorpion-milking robot designed to extract venom could replace the traditional manual method.
Cancer Research UK has launched the second phase of its global Grand Challenge by announcing eight new questions – identified as some of the biggest barriers to making progress against cancer – and inviting the world’s top scientists to come together with new proposals to tackle them.
An international team has shown that it is possible to mechanically destroy cancer cells by rotating magnetic nanoparticles attached to them in elongated aggregates.
The University of Zurich is launching a new WHO Collaborating Centre for Physical Activity and Health. The Physical Activity and Health Unit and other groups of the Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute will support the Physical Activity Strategy for the World Health Organization (WHO) European Region.
Researchers have pioneered a technique which uses florescent imaging to track the actions of key enzymes in cancer, genetic disorders and kidney disease.
Scientists have armed immune cells with a new surface molecule that causes them to respond aggressively when they encounter a protein that tumours actually use to camouflage themselves from the immune system. Researchers from the Helmholtz Zentrum München and various partners introduced the method in ‘Cancer Research’.