news Study identifies new therapeutic target for haematologic malignancies 10 February 2022 | By Ria Kakkad (Drug Target Review) Using chemical genetic screening and pre-clinical model studies, researchers have discovered that inducing ubiquitin-mediated degradation of mutant EZH2 could provide a more effective treatment strategy for haematologic malignancies.
news DNA sequencing could open up new drug indications for rare cancers 8 September 2017 | By Dr Zara Kassam (Drug Target Review) A network of hospitals have systematically collected biopsies from metastatic cancer patients in order to create a global database...
news Early intervention could prevent myeloma from taking root 11 July 2016 | By Victoria White, Digital Content Producer Researchers from the University of Birmingham have revealed how a common condition called ‘MGUS’ can develop into myeloma...
news Novel disease model developed for multiple myeloma 6 May 2016 | By Victoria White, Digital Content Producer The new animal model was generated when researchers crossed two genetically modified mice: mice lacking the Mef gene and mice with a Rad50 gene mutation...
news Myeloma UK and the SGC in first-of-its-kind collaboration 27 January 2016 | By Victoria White Myeloma UK and the SGC have entered into an open-access research partnership to discover drug targets for myeloma using structural biology and chemical proteomics...