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Human biopsies in nanofibrillar cellulose hydrogel – a novel method for long-term tissue culture

20 December 2021 | By ,

Three-dimensional (3D) biopsy culture models could save the drug discovery industry time and money. In this article, Johanna Niklander, University of Helsinki and Medical University of Graz, and Dr Beate Rinner, Medical University of Graz, outline a recent study they took part in, investigating long-term 3D tissue cultures from human…


Drug Target Review – Issue 4 2021

13 December 2021 | By

This issue includes articles that discuss the development of long-term 3D tissue cultures from human biopsy samples, the application of flow cytometry in drug discovery and automation for upstream processing in a biologics manufacturing environment. Also included are features on informatics, proteomics and CRISPR.