Hereditary Alzheimer’s disease can be transferred via transplants
Transplant recipients of hematopoietic stem cells with a hereditary version of AD developed the disease at an accelerated rate.
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Transplant recipients of hematopoietic stem cells with a hereditary version of AD developed the disease at an accelerated rate.
Stem-cell based blastocyst models have enabled scientists to redefine the molecular signature and timing of the onset of gastrulation.
The discovery of two proteins that effectively mature hiPSCs into endothelial cells may have a range of research and clinical benefits.
Exhibiting an excellent angiogenic effect, the stem cell therapy could provide an alternative to angioplasty procedures.
Scientists have reported a promising technique, based on somatic cell nuclear transfer, to treat infertility.
Limb bud progenitor cells efficiently generated new cartilage in osteoarthritis patients, which could lead to cartilage replacement therapy.
Using an advanced human heart organoid system, researchers found the contributing factors to the condition and possible therapeutic compounds.
In this Q&A, founder of Scheer Medical Wellness Dr Alexander Scheer shares his insights, discussing the current challenges in stem cell therapy and how these can be addressed, the advancements in delivery techniques, and stem cells’ overall potential in regenerative medicine.
Learn how scientists like you are using Namocell single cell sorters through summaries of seven recent peer-reviewed citations.
Regenerating bladder tissue with bone marrow stem and progenitor cells gives hope to patients with end-stage bladder dysfunction.
Download this report to discover more about human derived induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs), the suitability of NK cells for cancer therapy and the latest research into Alzheimer’s disease.
Researchers observed many quantifiable differences between diseased cells made from affected children and their gene-edited cells.
Reverse-blastocyst complementation elucidates the conditions required to form lungs in rat-mouse chimeric models.
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