Scientists replicate newt cell regeneration with human cells
21 August 2015 | By Victoria White
Scientists have adapted the astonishing capacity of newts to regenerate tissue to rejuvenate cells from older people with osteoarthritis...
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21 August 2015 | By Victoria White
Scientists have adapted the astonishing capacity of newts to regenerate tissue to rejuvenate cells from older people with osteoarthritis...
17 August 2015 | By Victoria White
Researchers supported by the NIH have discovered a type of cell, known as hybrid hepatocytes, essential to regeneration of the liver...
12 August 2015 | By Author: Katie Sadler, Digital Content Producer, Drug Target Review
Research carried out by University of California San Francisco (UCSF) has revealed ion channel blocking drugs could play a part in cancer therapy. The common class of channel blocking drugs, which are used to treat cardiac, neurological, and psychiatric disorders, could prove to be beneficial in cancer treatment according to…
10 August 2015 | By Charlotte Batchelor, Drug Target Review
Twelve new treatments, diagnostics and medical technologies will receive funding from the eighth round of the successful Biomedical Catalyst (BMC)...
4 August 2015 | By Victoria White
MorphoSys and G7 Therapeutics have signed an agreement to collaborate on novel antibody therapeutics targeting G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs)...
31 July 2015 | By Victoria White
Researchers have identified a new mechanism that the tumour suppressor protein p53 uses to trigger cell death via apoptosis...
22 July 2015 | By Victoria White
Experts at the University of Nottingham have discovered the first fully synthetic substrate with potential to grow billions of stem cells...
21 July 2015 | By Victoria White
Medical Research Council (MRC) scientists have repaired a damaged liver in a mouse by transplanting liver stem cells grown in the laboratory...
15 July 2015 | By Victoria White
Weizmann Institute scientists have shown how it might be possible to use embryonic stem cells to repair damaged lung tissue...
13 July 2015 | By Victoria White
The USC Stem Cell labs of Hooman Allayee and Gregor Adams have uncovered genes that affect blood stem cell development and maintenance...
10 July 2015 | By Victoria White
apceth is to partner with the University of Cologne to combine technologies and expertise, on the development of immunotherapies for solid tumours...
9 July 2015 | By Victoria White
Scientists have shown that didehydro-Cortistatin A reduces residual levels of HIV virus from dormant cells, establishing a near-permanent state of latency...
8 July 2015 | By Victoria White
Two teams of researchers have discovered a molecule that may favour the production of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells)...
6 July 2015 | By Caroline Richards, Editor
Inspired by her attendance at ISSCR 2015, Editor of Drug Target Review, Caroline Richards, discusses stem cells and the rise of unregulated stem cell practitioners...
3 July 2015 | By Victoria White
New research suggests it may be possible to harness a previously unknown mechanism within the immune system to create more effective flu vaccines...