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Human neuronal cells: possibilities in drug safety testing

26 September 2023 | By

Human derived induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) have revolutionised research and are increasingly used for toxicology screening and disease modelling. Early detection of neurotoxicity induced by potential new therapies is a major challenge, and hiPSC-neuronal cells may provide a solution. These cells demonstrate considerable promise for uncovering drug-induced perturbations to…


PCOS: stem cell-derived components

22 September 2023 | By

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a widespread endocrine disorder affecting millions of women worldwide, profoundly impacting their hormonal equilibrium, fertility, and overall quality of life. This enigmatic condition, characterised by diverse symptoms and complex underlying causes, has long eluded effective treatment.


How organoids can redefine pre-clinical research

22 September 2023 | By

Organoids, lab-grown 3D structures that mimic human organs, are redefining preclinical research through bypassing the ethical and practical limitations of animal models. Technological advancements in organoid research, including automation and improved analytical tools, promise to unlock new possibilities by streamlining the application of these 3D structures to enhance drug development…


Possible adulticidal drugs for Onchocerca volvulus

21 September 2023 | By

This article discusses the need for adulticidal drugs to treat Onchocerca volvulus infections, a parasite causing onchocerciasis (river blindness), as the current treatment with ivermectin and surgery presents challenges for affected communities. It highlights research findings on the potential of analgesic medicines to target adult worms and emphasises the importance…