
Using PD-L1 for immunotherapy?

Posted: 21 September 2016 | Abcam | No comments yet

PD-L1 [28-8] (ab205921) is an ideal tool to quantify PD-L1 expression in patients for PD-1 based therapies….

Using PD-L1 for immunotherapy?

PD-L1 [28-8] (ab205921) is an ideal tool to quantify PD-L1 expression in patients for PD-1 based therapies.

Our PD-L1 [28-8] antibody have been extensively validated and the protocols have been optimized for use in the following popular automated IHC platforms to get the best results:

  • BioGenex i6000
  • Leica BOND RX
  • Ventana Ultra
  • Dako Omnis

Download the protocol for your platform for rapid implementation in your research.

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