
Tuberculosis vaccine shows efficacy in pre-clinical trials

Australian researchers have demonstrated the success of a novel TB vaccine in mice, which could provide another treatment option for the disease.

Researchers have successfully developed and pre-clinically tested a new vaccine for tuberculosis (TB). The research was conducted by the Centenary Institute and the University of Sydney, both Australia.

Using mouse models, the team have demonstrated the efficacy of the treatment. Two peptides normally found in TB bacteria were synthesised and then bound tightly to an adjuvant that activated an immune response in the lungs.

“We were then able to show that when this vaccine was inhaled into the lungs, it stimulated the type of T cells known to protect against TB. Importantly, we then demonstrated that this type of vaccine could successfully protect against experimental airborne TB infection,” said Dr Anneliese Ashhurst, co-lead author of the study.

According to the researchers, their treatment could provide another option for patients who cannot be administered with the only currently approved TB vaccine.

The results were published in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.

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