Compound combination successful against Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Researchers have developed a new combination of compounds called AB569 which has demonstrated success at fighting deadly pathgoens like Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
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Researchers have developed a new combination of compounds called AB569 which has demonstrated success at fighting deadly pathgoens like Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
A study has shown that the RCAN1 gene plays a role in regulating synaptic plasticity, which contributes to a sympom of Down syndrome.
Scientists identify innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) as possible targets for immunotherapies as their activation makes murine pancreatic tumours sensitive to PD-1 checkpoint inhibitors.
Upregulating utrophin using small molecules could be a new therapeutic approach for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD).
Using ultrashort laser pulses to interact with vesicles, researchers have created a novel label-free imaging method.
Scientists have implicated toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) in age-related macular degeneration and shown that knocking it out can improve symptoms in animal models.
A new antibiotic compound has been identified by researchers who designed a machine-learning algorithm to screen millions of molecules.
Researchers have shown that, when treated with L-serine, a non-human primate model of ALS had fewer pathologies associated with the disease.
A rare form of childhood epilepsy could be improved with a therapy called antisense oligonucleotide, following the development of a new model.
Researchers have created a method to activate CAR T cells with blue LED light to successfully combat solid tumours in mice.
A new earthworm model has been developed for the rare disease, x-ALD, which the scientists say could lead to pharmacological targets for the neuronal alterations of the disease.
New technology is for the first time enabling scientists to analyse the individual behaviour of millions of different cells living inside lab-grown tumours, which could lead to new personalised cancer treatments.
Researchers have developed a new label-free ptychographic microscopy method by bringing samples closer to the image sensor, reducing processing time.
Researchers have screened 20,000 molecules to discover a potent compound with low toxicity that restores the balance of healthy stem cells in the lungs of mice.
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