Scientists uncover how sunlight on skin reduces eczema inflammation
A new study has identified how exposure to sunlight alleviates symptoms of eczema by triggering the release of a compound in the skin that dampens inflammation.
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A new study has identified how exposure to sunlight alleviates symptoms of eczema by triggering the release of a compound in the skin that dampens inflammation.
Radisens Diagnostics, an Irish medtech business, is aiming to raise £22 million to bring its innovative diabetes management platform to market...
MRC-funded researchers have identified properties in DNA’s protective structure that could transform the way scientists think about the human genome.
A new study shows e-ASPECTS correlates with and is a predictor of outcome after mechanical thrombectomy. With mechanical thrombectomy gaining ground as a possible treatment for patients suffering from acute ischemic stroke, it is even more important to select those patients who can derive the most benefit.
NIH-supported research suggests potential treatment strategy following the identification of single-gene mutations that lead to eczema.
Elsevier has launched a new solution aimed at accelerating drug discovery through comprehensive prediction and assessment of drug-drug interactions (DDI).
AMI has released the full version of HCC Coding as part of the EMscribe suite of tools in support of medical records processing and abstraction.
The UJI has modified the regulations governing research with the aim of making it possible for assistant health lecturers to lead research groups...
Collaboration extends initial partnership and aims to generate lead antibody candidates against membrane targets using AbCellera's antibody discovery platform…
The ABPI has developed a new tool to help build research relationships between the pharmaceutical industry and UK academics.
The first drug to treat calcification of heart valves may be one originally designed for rheumatoid arthritis.
Patients who have aggressive prostate cancer could be identified by a highly accurate and simple blood test, according to a new study.
ImageXpress Nano System makes automated imaging accessible for every lab conducting cellular imaging research...
Numab Therapeutics announced a collaboration and option agreement with Kaken Pharmaceutical for the identification of a multispecific antibody candidate for development in inflammatory disease.
University of Maryland Charles Regional Medical Centre have opened a new outpatient imaging centre in partnership with two other organisations.