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Takeda to enrol 5000 patients in giant multiple myeloma trial

1 September 2016 | By Niamh Louise Marriott, Digital Content Producer

Takeda’s global non-interventional, observational multiple myeloma study is now enrolling patients, aiming to have 5,000 patients over three years with a goal of following each patient for a minimum of five years in an effort to track patterns in disease presentation, patient characteristics, treatment and outcomes, thereby enhancing the understanding…

CRISPR technology inactivates cancer mutations

1 September 2016 | By Niamh Louise Marriott, Digital Content Producer

CRISPR/Cas9 is likely one of the most revolutionary tools in biotechnology, with tremendous implications for a broad range of biological and medical disciplines. As programmable scissors this technology allows cleavage of DNA at predefined sites in the genome of cells...

Stem cell breakthrough unlocks mystery of inherited heart condition

31 August 2016 | By Niamh Louise Marriott, Digital Content Producer

Using advanced stem cell technology, scientists from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai have created a model of a heart condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), an excessive thickening of the heart that is associated with a number of rare and common illnesses, some of which have a strong…

People with alcohol dependency lack important enzyme

30 August 2016 | By Niamh Louise Marriott, Digital Content Producer

A research group has identified an enzyme, PRDM2, whose production is turned off in nerve cells of the frontal lobe when alcohol dependence develops...

NIH to research health disparities of chronic diseases

25 August 2016 | By Niamh Louise Marriott, Digital Content Producer

This program responds to the need for more robust, ecological approaches to address chronic diseases among racial and ethnic minority groups, under-served rural populations, people of less privileged socio-economic status, along with groups subject to discrimination who have poorer health outcomes often attributed to being socially disadvantaged...

Stria vascularis ear structure discovery could lead to hearing loss treatment

24 August 2016 | By Niamh Louise Marriott, Digital Content Producer

The stria vascularis is essential for normal hearing and is involved in maintaining the endocochlear potential - a difference in charged molecules between compartments of the inner ear which act like a battery to power the transmission of sound signals from the ear to the brain...

Researchers identify gene associated with age-related hearing loss

18 August 2016 | By Niamh Louise Marriott, Digital Content Producer

A large screening programme has identified several genes associated with age-related conditions including hearing loss, retinal degeneration and osteoarthritis. The animal study may lead to studies of the equivalent human gene and help develop screening programmes to identify the risk of developing an age-related condition many years before symptoms appear...