Study shows new strategies for HIV control
New research goes against the paradigm of HIV control that focuses on killing off infected cells and supports a model in which viral suppression could possibly serve as a cure.
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New research goes against the paradigm of HIV control that focuses on killing off infected cells and supports a model in which viral suppression could possibly serve as a cure.
The newly identified variant could play a role in gene therapies that require high accuracy and precision.
A ground-breaking nervous system discovery could be significant for the treatment of different neurological diseases.
The novel method for imaging molecules in cells and tissue samples, called DNA microscopy, could improve knowledge of disease development.
Researchers have discovered that lung cancer cells metastasise using antioxidants, informing potential future therapies.
Researchers at Karolinska Institutet collaborated with other researchers to develop a compound that prevents inflammation by blocking release of TNF alpha...
A cell structure identified has given an insight into how cells attach to their surroundings, and could be used to discover potential actions of new drugs...
Levels of antiphospholipid antibodies, which are associated with rheumatic diseases, are also elevated in myocardial infarction without any autoimmune co-morbidity...
A three-dimensional structural map of bacterial toxins has been identified for the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa...
Researchers have identified four types of neurons in the peripheral auditory system, three of which are new to science...
Researchers have now for the first time succeeded in converting skin cells into pluripotent stem cells by activating the cell's own genes...
Therapeutic use of gene editing with the so-called CRISPR-Cas9 technique may inadvertently increase the risk of cancer...
Scientists have identified the cell types underlying schizophrenia, the findings offer a roadmap for the development of new therapies to target the condition...
Researchers have uncovered a way to treat aggressive tumours through manipulation of the connective tissue cells of the tumour.
Researchers have detailed a molecular atlas of the cells that form the brain's blood vessels and the life-essential blood-brain barrier providing clues to which cell types are involved in different diseases...