NIH funds three national cryo-EM service centres and training for new microscopists
The NIH is supporting efforts to broaden biomedical scientists’ access to cryo-electron microscopy the imaging method that is revolutionising structural biology...
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The NIH is supporting efforts to broaden biomedical scientists’ access to cryo-electron microscopy the imaging method that is revolutionising structural biology...
NIH-funded study closes in on personalised drug testing for neurological disorders...
A study in mice suggests that experimental drug may be effective against mountain sickness and other polycythemias...
Data from the Phase I study of collaborative industry partnership AMP are now available, meaning scientists can benefit from access to important research about Rheumatoid Arthritis and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.
New findings from an NIH-funded study of mice suggest that loss of mossy cells may contribute to seizures and memory problems in a form of epilepsy.
NIH scientists have modified an assay to offer the possibility of improving early diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease and dementia with Lewy bodies...
A form of vitamin B3 has been found to prevent neurological damage and improve cognitive and physical function in a new mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease...
Researchers from the University of Chicago have uncovered the mechanism by which small RNA molecules (piRNAs) locate and silence foreign invading genes, whilst avoiding ‘self’ genes.
Scientists have shown a relationship between the proportion of key immune cells that display high levels of alpha-4 beta-7 at the time of HIV infection and health outcomes...
Scientists looking for jobs after completing their training may soon have a new tool that helps them evaluate various career paths...
Researchers have outlined a pioneering method of screening a person’s diverse set of antibodies for rapid therapeutic discovery.
Researchers have discovered that genetic variations in the anatomy of the lungs could serve as indicators to help identify people who are particularly at risk for COPD...
The 3D structure of DHHC proteins has been detailed for the first time, explaining how they function and potentially offering a blueprint for designing therapeutic drugs.
Stem cell-derived retinal cells need primary cilia to support the survival of light-sensing photoreceptors...
Scientists have detected abnormal prion protein in the skin of patients that have died from Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease...