ProteinSimple Sally Sue
Simple Western™ system that can generate up to 96 data points in a single experiment, handling your low, medium or high throughput Simple Western needs…
So frugal, so accurate, so easy
Sally Sue™ lets you separate and analyse proteins by size from 2-440 kDa either by immunoassay or total protein. Got small sample volumes or starting materials? No problem. She uses as little as 0.2 µg/µL of protein in just 5 µL of sample, and runs up to 96 samples in one experiment. If you wish you could do more, Sally Sue gets you there!
Sometimes you wish you could do more with less. Sally Sue does up to 96 samples in one experiment with as little as 0.2 µg/µL protein in the sample. She also sends a tweet when results are ready just in case you lose track of your new hands-free time.
FIGURE 1. Detection of PI3 Kinase in a serial dilution of HeLa lysate (1000 ng/µL — 37 ng/µL). All eight cycles showed similar results (CV <15%). Linearity of the dilution series (R2=0.989) is maintained even at very low protein concentrations.
FIGURE 2. Sally Sue can analyse an entire cell signaling pathway in a single run. HeLa cells were left untreated or treated with TNFa to stimulate the NF?B signaling pathway. Using only 5 µL/well (1 µg/µL) of either a whole cell lysate (WC) or nuclear extract (NE) from those cells, Sally Sue was able to quantitate seven different proteins from the pathway plus a loading control (aTubulin). She even threw in an extra replicate for good measure.
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