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Rahman M, et al. Inflammatory biomarkers as a herbal anti-arthritic drug discovery tool. Drug Target Review. 2017;3:16-18

12 July 2017 | By

References Anderson KO et al. Rheumatoid arthritis: review of psychological factors related to etiology, effects, and treatment. Psychol Bull. 1985;98:358–387. Scrivo R et al. The immunology of rheumatoid arthritis. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2007;1108:312–322. Rahman M et al. Emergence of lipid based vesicular carriers as nanoscale pharmacotherapy in rheumatoid…

Fearnhead H, Gul S. Using clinical drug resistance to kill cancer cells. Drug Target Review. 2017;3:12-14

12 July 2017 | By

References Pal C, Papp B, Lazar V. Collateral sensitivity of antibiotic-resistant microbes. Trends Microbiol. 2015;23:401-7. Guthrie R, Loebeck ME, Hillman MJ, Zgorzynski F. Tests for collateral sensitivity or cross resistance in bacterial mutants resistant to amethopterin or purine analogs. Cancer Res. 1958;18:319-34. Imamovic L, Sommer MO. Use of collateral sensitivity…