York scientists one step closer to finding a new generation of antibiotics
16 October 2015 | By Victoria White
The scientists used novel genetic engineering tools to manipulate the genes required for antibiotic biosynthesis...
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Antibiotics are a type of antimicrobial drug used in the treatment and prevention of bacterial infections.
16 October 2015 | By Victoria White
The scientists used novel genetic engineering tools to manipulate the genes required for antibiotic biosynthesis...
13 October 2015 | By Victoria White
Researchers have developed the first animal-free screening platforms capable of predicting the toxic effects of compounds on the human kidney accurately...
13 October 2015 | By Victoria White
Researchers have found that tamoxifen gives white blood cells a boost, better enabling them to respond to and kill bacteria in laboratory experiments...
15 September 2015 | By IntelliCyt
Identification of antibodies against challenging targets using high throughput multiplex-screening approaches...
15 September 2015 | By
Since initiating the project in 2014, significant progress has been made towards the invention of new compounds with activity against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria...
14 September 2015 | By Victoria White
The potential new antibiotics are unlike contemporary antibiotics because they contain iridium, a silvery-white transition metal...
7 September 2015 | By Victoria White
Basilea is to work with the iABC consortium to develop an inhaled formulation of its antibiotic BAL30072 as part of a new Europe-wide programme...
3 September 2015 | By Victoria White
The University of Brighton has announced it is sharing in a €5.9m EU grant to support the development of a new treatment for chronic liver disease...
2 September 2015 | By Victoria White
ESCMID advocates the need for greater education, guidance and research on the build-up, treatment and prevention of biofilms...
24 August 2015 | By Victoria White
Motif Bio has announced the topline results of an independent report that show iclaprim is effective in vitro against a range of Gram-positive bacteria...
21 July 2015 | By
Researchers have now shown that a “messenger molecule” produced by P. aeruginosa encourage bacteria to colonise catheters, forming a biofilm...
30 June 2015 | By Victoria White
Scientists have unravelled a key process in the bacterium that causes TB, potentially paving the way for new antibiotics to fight the disease...
16 June 2015 | By Victoria White
Marks & Blerk’s latest report highlights the striking difference between research levels into rare diseases, vaccines and antibiotics across the globe...
11 June 2015 | By Victoria White
The European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases has launched a new study group: the Forensic and Postmortem Microbiology Study Group...
9 June 2015 | By Victoria White
Researchers have identified the molecular docking site that is responsible for C. difficile toxins being able to bind to a receptor...