Turning rare diseases into efficient targets with AI
BenevolentBio's CMO, Dr Patrick Keohane, says the industry is on the cusp of an artificial intelligence (AI) revolution...
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Biomarkers are a naturally occurring molecule, gene, or characteristic by which a particular disease can be identified.
BenevolentBio's CMO, Dr Patrick Keohane, says the industry is on the cusp of an artificial intelligence (AI) revolution...
Included in this issue: Importance of building patient trust; Vaccines & Immunology; Oncology; Assays; Biomarkers; and Antibodies...
Cancer is asymptomatic during most of its pathogenesis. It is very difficult to see that a cancer is growing in a person, except for a few self-evident cases such as skin cancer. Its intangibility and year-, if not decade-long progression make cancer hard to diagnose until some symptoms warrant further…
Early warning signs of Huntington’s disease have been uncovered in sheep carrying the human HD mutation, leading the way for new insight into this devastating illness, a new study has found.
Liver metastases are formed from cancer cells that have originated in other organs and migrated to the liver via the bloodstream.
SMi’s 13th annual Asthma & COPD conference returns to London on the 29 and 30 March 2017...
Drug developers sometimes think of imaging as an emerging discipline, full of esoteric technologies of marginal relevance to real-world clinical drug development. In fact, the opposite is true: imaging measurements (imaging biomarkers) are used daily in drug development and in personalised medicine. They assess target engagement and receptor occupancy in…
In this project, universities and companies across 11 European countries and the US will unite efforts to tailor the development and application of therapies to the individual MS patient.
The advent of next-generation sequencing (NGS) techniques has revolutionised transcriptomics research and opened numerous avenues for scientific and clinical applications. While reverse transcriptase quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) is still considered the gold standard of gene expression analysis, its high throughput, single-nucleotide resolution and ever-plummeting costs have made NGS…
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies hold great promise for unravelling the mysteries of biological systems, with the advent of DNA sequencing methods having greatly accelerated biomedical research, gaining broad applicability in disease diagnosis and therapeutics in recent years...
15 November 2016 | By Niamh Louise Marriott, Digital Content Producer
B is for Biomarkers - the next instalment of our daily pharmaceutical alphabet bringing you up to date with all the latest news and research on the subject of biomarkers.
5 October 2016 | By Niamh Louise Marriott, Digital Content Producer
Epigenetics looks at special regulation mechanisms, such as DNA methylation and histone modifications, which determine the gene expression pattern...
Researchers at Rush Medical Center are developing novel diagnostic tests to help guide treatment decisions for patients with non-small cell lung cancer...
5 September 2016 | By Niamh Louise Marriott, Digital Content Producer
The loss of CHD1, one of the most mutated genes in prostate tumours, sensitises human prostate cancer cells to different drugs, a biomarker for...
Starting in the 1970s, the drug discovery research process changed dramatically. Our understanding of biological targets and pathways grew and the largely empirical and target agnostic in vivo pharmacology approach was replaced with target-centric methods...