DiscoverX BioMAP® Tox alert™ analysis
28 July 2016 | By DiscoverX Corporation
In vitro detection of potential in vivo toxicity and adverse events...
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Biomarkers are a naturally occurring molecule, gene, or characteristic by which a particular disease can be identified.
28 July 2016 | By DiscoverX Corporation
In vitro detection of potential in vivo toxicity and adverse events...
30 June 2016 | By Victoria White, Digital Content Producer
The partnership will allow Probiodrug to utilise Crossbeta’s proprietary technology in support of Probiodrug’s biomarker development activities...
9 June 2016 | By Victoria White, Digital Content Producer
A new method, developed by UCLA scientists, could eventually lead to a way to improve accuracy of how well a patient will respond to treatment...
Volume 1 2016 of EMD Millipore's "Analyte Quarterly" provides details of all their Immunoassays & MILLIPLEX® map Kits...
12 April 2016 | By Victoria White, Digital Content Producer
A team of scientists have identified new biomarkers for TB which have shown for the first time why immunity from the widely used BCG vaccine is so variable...
12 April 2016 | By Victoria White, Digital Content Producer
The discovery means that a family history of DCIS could be as important to assessing a woman’s risk as a history of invasive breast cancer...
8 April 2016 | By Victoria White, Digital Content Producer
A study found that in addition to decreased overall tumour burden, mice lacking epiregulin also showed reduced inflammation...
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), a consequence of sedentary life styles and high fat diets, has an estimated prevalence of about 30% in western countries. It is associated with insulin resistance, obesity, glucose intolerance and drug toxicity. Additionally, polymorphisms within genes such as PNPLA3, TM6SF2, APOC3, NCAN and PPP1R3B correlate…
15 March 2016 | By Victoria White
A division of SRI International will conduct preclinical studies to assess the efficacy of compounds or vaccines for preventing invasive-cancer development...
29 January 2016 | By SMi Group
SMi group reports: Doug Johnson, Research Fellow at Pfizer will be giving a keynote address on Day 1 at the SMi’s 15th annual Advances and Progress in Drug Design conference...
29 January 2016 | By Victoria White
The lab headed by Thomas Helleday at Karolinska Institutet and Biovica are to collaborate to improve evaluation of new, promising cancer therapies...
22 January 2016 | By Victoria White
The research from Georgia State University scientists provides strong translational potential with respect to biomarkers that play critical roles in the development of endometrial/lung tumours...
11 December 2015 | By Victoria White
The companies have joined WCPR to develop new technologies for biologics production and to identify new targets for disease research in the ground-breaking area of the Secretome...
3 December 2015 | By Drug Target Review
Included in this issue: Biomarkers, Mass Spectrometry, Target Validation, Drug Development, Personalised Medicines, Next-Generation Sequencing, Protein Expression, Companion Diagnostics, and much more...
Knowledge about cancer biomarkers has increased tremendously and provides clinicians and researchers with valued opportunities to understand the molecular mechanism of cancer, thus applying it to effective, early-stage diagnosis and treatment. Cancer biomarkers include a vast range of biochemical molecules such as nucleic acids, proteins, sugars, lipids, small metabolites, cytogenetic…