AI designed, synthesised and validated new drug in 46 days
Researchers have developed a new AI system which was able to discover and then successfully test several new compounds within 46 days.
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Researchers have developed a new AI system which was able to discover and then successfully test several new compounds within 46 days.
Australian researchers have demonstrated the success of a novel TB vaccine in mice, which could provide another treatment option for the disease.
Researchers have found that inhibiting a kinase in mice leads to the death of prostate cancer cells, providing a potential therapeutic target.
Two genes that influence risk Alzheimer's disease could provide scientists with new targets for delaying the onset of the condition's symptoms.
The first genetically modified mini human livers have been grown in a laboratory, to emulate liver disease progression and test therapeutics.
Researchers hope the system can choose the right patients to enroll in clinical trials, to speed discovery of drug treatments.
Researchers have extended the life of heart segments from 24 hours to six days, enabling pre-clinical trials to experiment on these new models for longer periods of time.
A novel antibody-enzyme fusion therapeutic strategy for Lafora disease has shown effectiveness in pre-clinical study mice models.
A study has shown that mice and rats become stressed when housed alone, affecting results of pre-clinical trials.
A promising vaccine that clears an HIV-like virus from monkeys is closer to clinical trial human testing.
The foundations for protecting human research subjects come from the ethical principles surrounding the Belmont report : Respect for persons, beneficence, and justice.
Researchers have developed an app which displays the effects of diseases in mice models and can be accessed globally.
A trial has begun in the US for the ENT-01 therapy treatment of Parkinson’s, with the first patient enrolled.
Using exclusively male animals in experiments biases results, argues Rebecca Shansky.
Arizona company claims their products can treat Lyme disease, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease and more, but have not been approved for any use.