Hit-To-Lead In-Depth Focus 2016
20 September 2016 | By Drug Target Review
In this Hit-To-Lead In-Depth Focus: Hit-to-lead in drug discovery; Zebrafish early-life stages as neurological screening and detection tools...
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20 September 2016 | By Drug Target Review
In this Hit-To-Lead In-Depth Focus: Hit-to-lead in drug discovery; Zebrafish early-life stages as neurological screening and detection tools...
Starting in the 1970s, the drug discovery research process changed dramatically. Our understanding of biological targets and pathways grew and the largely empirical and target agnostic in vivo pharmacology approach was replaced with target-centric methods...
5 January 2016 | By Victoria White
Oncodesign and Bristol-Myers Squibb have entered into a strategic collaboration to discover, develop and commercialise novel macrocyclic compounds...
From the beginning of time in the drug discovery world, the integration of disciplines has driven the identification of new lead molecules. Chemists, pharmacologists and biologists work together to understand a disease state and how to perturb that state back towards a normal healthy condition. However, in the early days…
12 May 2015 | By Victoria White
Cyclenium Pharma and Haplogen have signed a research agreement aimed at the discovery of novel pharmaceutical candidates in multiple disease areas...