CRISPRa used to reprogramme skin cells into pluripotent stem cells
Researchers have now for the first time succeeded in converting skin cells into pluripotent stem cells by activating the cell's own genes...
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Researchers have now for the first time succeeded in converting skin cells into pluripotent stem cells by activating the cell's own genes...
Scientists may now be able to predict whether carrying a specific genetic variant increases a person's risk for disease using gene editing and stem cell technologies...
The Nobel Prize-winning observations and discoveries of John B. Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka have ignited an explosion of excitement around the potential use of stem cells in research and treatment of human disease.
Scientists have successfully overcome the persistent cell rejection that has hitherto plagued attempts to introduce neural stem cells to replace damaged tissue in pigs.
Biomedical engineers invent an innovative technique to help injured hearts regenerate...
Researchers are now able to use induced pluripotent stem cells to form a model of human adult-like cardiac muscle...
Researchers have combined biomaterials-based cell patterning and stem cell technology to make a 3D tissue model that could mimic early stage human heart development...
Findings pave way for regenerative cell therapies in type 1 diabetes patients...
Microengineered Intestine-Chip has the potential to advance personalised treatments for gastrointestinal diseases...
A study in mice has suggested that iPS cells may train the immune system to attack or even prevent tumours...
Over 10 million units of platelets are transfused worldwide each year in one of the most common procedures in clinical medicine. However, platelets derived from human donors can transmit infections and trigger serious immune reactions that eventually render the therapy ineffective (a condition known as alloimmune refractoriness). In addition, since…
8 July 2015 | By Victoria White
Two teams of researchers have discovered a molecule that may favour the production of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells)...