Brain changes responsible for the appetite effects of cannabis identified
New research on how cannabis use alters eating behaviour could lead to treatments for appetite loss in chronic illness...
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New research on how cannabis use alters eating behaviour could lead to treatments for appetite loss in chronic illness...
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor C (VEGF-C) could aid the repair and recovery of hearts after a heart attack, by enabling immune cells to clear dead and dying cells...
Addressing the optimisation of hits derived from a target-agnostic phenotypic screen, using a strategy based on combining bioactivity profiling and reference compound characterisation...
Genetically-encoded biosensors from Montana Molecular allow for detection of GPCR signalling...
Study identifies cancer protein as a target for treating fibrosis of the lung arteries with direct implications for patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension...
Detailed brain cell analysis has helped researchers uncover new mechanisms thought to underlie Parkinson's disease...
Scientists have deployed a novel genetic screen to search for synthetic viable interactions on special lines of Fanconi Anaemia-defective cells...
This webinar focused on a recent study evaluating a cohort of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) patient tumours treated with anti-PD1 using CANscript™.
Bioactivity profiling has been traditionally used to assess the selectivity of new drug candidates in the context of target-based approaches, where pharmacological selectivity is a key requirement.
The mechanism our immune cells use to clear bacterial infections like tuberculosis might also be implicated in Parkinson's disease...
27 April 2018 | By Mitra Biotech
In this webinar, speaker Mark Paris, PhD discussed a recent study evaluating a cohort of HNSCC patient tumours treated with anti-PD1 using CANscript TM;. He also be reviewed the results of this study as a means of investigating predictors of clinical response and identifying mechanisms of resistance.
27 April 2018 | By Eurofins Pharma Discovery Services
In this webinar, we discussed a recent case study where a phenotypic screen was performed using poly I:C / IL-4 stimulated human bronchial epithelial cells. This resulted in the identification of 7 representative hits which provided starting points for new drug discovery opportunities.
Findings could deepen understanding of neurological disorders...
A new fibre-based endoscope, tested in mice, poised to bring new insights into brain function...
Researchers developed an approach and platform to create large amounts of fillable and targeted nanovesicles to deliver drugs to tumours in mice...