Integrated drug discovery panel – your questions answered!
28 September 2017 | By Charles River
During this peer panel discussion, team members from Charles River discussed their views and strategies on Drug Discovery...
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Oncology is a branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer.
28 September 2017 | By Charles River
During this peer panel discussion, team members from Charles River discussed their views and strategies on Drug Discovery...
Researchers have used CRISPR-Cas9 to inactivate genes in human colorectal cancer cell lines -- one with normal KRAS gene and one with a mutant KRAS...
Paediatric researchers have identified common gene variants that raise the risk of an aggressive forms of childhood cancer...
Researchers have tested a new MRI contrast agent that pinpoints breast cancers at early stages and differentiates between aggressive and slow-growing types...
RNA cells can be genetically programmed like a computer to fight cancer, influenza, and other serious conditions...
Scientists have identified new biomarkers that could help more accurately classify the two main subtypes of hepatoblastoma...
Researchers shed light on a key fat-regulating enzyme's role in diabetes and cancer...
Researchers have demonstrated that a novel protein can cause normal cells in the lining of the colon to become malignant, grow and spread...
Immunotherapy drug candidate could be potent weapon against neuroblastoma and other paediatric malignancies...
Researchers reveal the capacity of epithelial-derived tumours to grow in the absence of a microenvironment...
New research shows that the Zika virus kills brain cancer stem cells...
British scientists have investigated the impact of anti-hormone therapy on patients with prostate cancer...
Researchers have identified a rare fusion involving the gene MET leading researchers to treat the cancer with a targeted therapy...
A new biomedical tool has been developed using nanoparticles that deliver transient gene changes to targeted cells...
Researchers have developed a proof-of-concept nano-system that dramatically improves the visualisation of tumours...