
High-throughput Screening: An Insider’s Guide to Outsourcing

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14 June 2016


High throughput screening (HTS) is an established means to identify starting points in the drug discovery process. As a significant investment is necessary to undertake high throughput screening efficiently, screening is increasingly being outsourced by researchers in the not-for-profit, biotechnology and pharmaceutical sectors. Access to high throughput screening expertise and technology without the need to implement in-house compound libraries and the required screening and data handling platforms has proven effective at reducing operational and infrastructure costs.

The webinar provides an overview of the screening process from assay development through to the final data package by exploring examples of successful high throughput screening programs we have conducted in our lab. Speakers describe various assay options in common use and whether highly miniaturised and/or automated platforms are applicable in all situations. Drilling into the details common to these successful programs, the speakers reveal insights on points to consider and questions to ask when considering different labs to work with on your project. 

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