on-demand webinar

CRISPR™ MDCKII cell lines development for bioavailability and DDI assessments

Join this webinar to hear from Eurofins Discovery on the latest offerings for drug-drug interaction assessments using CRISPR KO/KI MDCKII cell lines

Watch on-demand now!

The role of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) and breast cancer related protein (BCRP) is well known in drug-drug Interactions. Evaluation of whether an investigational drug is a substrate or inhibitor of transporters is a regulatory requirement. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Guidance on drug-drug interactions states that if drugs are highly soluble and highly permeable, the drug must be evaluated for interactions with P-gp and BCRP. Cell-line models (such as Caco-2 or MDCKII) or Artificial Membrane (such as PAMPA) models are used for evaluation of permeability.

Caco-2 or MDCKII can be further extended to evaluate if an investigational drug is a substrate or inhibitor of P-gp or BCRP through determination of efflux ratios and subsequent reduction in efflux ratio. However, there are shortfalls of both Caco-2 and MDCKII cell lines that may not allow for full characterisation of investigational new drugs. For example, Caco-2 expresses a wide variety of transporters that may not be able to be specifically probed and inhibited for determination of efflux. MDCKII also endogenous expression of canine versions of human transporters which share significant sequence similarity.

In this webinar, we presented some new offerings for evaluation of P-gp and BCRP drug interactions with cell lines developed with CRISPR™ technology. The webinar highlighted development, generation and characterisation of both knock-out and knock-in MDCKII cell lines, as well as evaluation of reference pharmacology for use in drug discovery and regulatory applications.

Key learning points:

  • Learn about how DiscoverX is developing new cell lines with CRISPR™ technology
  • Understand the role and significance of ADME permeability assays
  • Explore drug-drug interactions and how we test for them
  • Discover how proteomics is reshaping the drug development market
  • Showcase Eurofins Discovery’s comprehensive portfolio of assays and expertise for all your ADME-Toxicology needs.

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Shantanu RoychowdhuryShantanu Roychowdhury – Group Leader- ADME-Tox- Eurofins Discovery

Shantanu Roychowdhury is the Group Leader, Business Line Leader, and a Senior Study Director for ADME-Toxicology at Eurofins Discovery. Shantanu has been with Eurofins for nine years and has prior experience from Monsanto Company working in Protein Toxicology, and Sigma-Aldrich working in Proteomics Assay Development. With a background in analytical chemistry, Shantanu attended the  University of Illinois- Urbana- Champaign, graduating with a Bachelor of Science in biochemistry, and Michigan State University graduating with a Master of Science in pharmacology and toxicology.


Is the webinar free?
Yes – there is no charge to watch the webinar, either live or on-demand.

When will the webinar take place?
The webinar will take place live on 4th September at 16:00 BST

I’m busy. Can I watch it later?
The webinar will become available to watch on-demand shortly after the live webinar takes place.

What are the benefits of attending live?
During the live webinar, you’ll be able to ask the speakers your questions, which will then be answered during the live Q&A session towards the end of the webinar.

How long will the webinar be?
This webinar will last for up to one hour.

What do I need to watch this webinar?
All you need is a computer with an internet connection. Be sure to use headphones if in an office environment.

Do I receive a certificate?
Yes, you will receive a certificate if you attend the webinar live. The certificate will be sent with your on-demand video link.