Whitepaper: Automatic calculation of HeLa cell culture confluency
Posted: 25 October 2017 | Bertin Instruments | No comments yet
Cell confluency is a key parameter for all cell biologists as it is the beginning of all other cell culture experiment such as transfection, cell-based assays and cell culture quality control…
To obtain the maximum efficiency of transfection and avoid using expensive reagents for nothing, the cell confluency needs to be calculate with accuracy. Today, the majority of cell biologists estimate the cell confluency in culture flasks in a subjective way, looking at the amount of space covered by cells.
Protocols using hematocytometers or specific dying (Trypan blue) can be used but it requires an extra step.
InCellis® from Bertin Technologies is used to observe the cells and calculate the cell confluency directly on the bench thanks to the specific and dedicated application “Cell Confluency”.
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