
Case study: Shipping media for fresh tissue

Posted: 2 July 2019 | | 2 comments

For biomarker discovery efforts, primary cell assays, and patient-derived xenograft work, among others, access to fresh human surgical tissue is an essential component in obtaining reliable results.

BioIVT aims to support your research goals by ensuring that the human tissue we provide is in the freshest possible state and closely mimics the function of the in vivo environment.

The Problem

Fresh tissue must be buffered and sustained with quality media designed to support tissue vitality while minimizing microbial growth during the duration of transit from the collection facility to the researcher’s lab.

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    2 responses to “Case study: Shipping media for fresh tissue”

    1. Kerry Wiles says:

      Ive tried multiple times to get access to this White paper, but it does not provide a link to download. Can you please send via email? Ive completed the form twice.

      • Victoria Rees says:

        Hi Kerry – apologies for this, the issue should now be fixed. Please try to download again and let us know if you have any other trouble with it, thank you.

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