
Application note: Streamlined genome engineering in picodroplets

Posted: 23 September 2021 | | No comments yet

A picodroplet-based microfluidic method for automating the complete genome-editing workflow. Learn more in this free application note.

CRISPR-Cas9 technology has revolutionised the range, precision and efficiency with which genomes can be edited. However, the isolation and expansion of individual clones with the required modifications and subsequent screening of desired phenotypic changes for clones remain significant hurdles. This timeconsuming workflow depends on multiple tools and manually intensive steps that can take up to several months.

The data in this Application Note shows the possibility of combining automated picodroplet-based technologies with the high efficiency of CRISPR-Cas9 to streamline genetic engineering. In particular, this study outlines an end-to-end CRISPR RNP workflow, starting from picodroplet-based gene delivery, then incorporating a high-throughput screening and isolation step using Sphere Fluidics’ fully automated Cyto-Mine® Single Cell Analysis System, eliminating the need for multiple handling and selection steps.

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